

はじめまして。私は Janet Federiciです。ノートルダム大学の二年生です。ノートルダムの McGlinn Hallにすんでいますが、私のしゅっしんはペンシルべニアしゅうのダラスです。


안녕하세요! 저는 한국어도 공하고요. 만나서 반가워요! 중학교 3학년 때 한국어를 혼자 공부하기 시작한데 혼자 공부해서 한국어 실력이 아직 멀어요. 근데 언젠가 한국어, 일본어, 그리고 중국어 다 말하고 싶어요. 저는 KSU 친구의 영어 배우기를 위해 열심히 할 거예요! 

Hi! I'm Janet Federici, a second year at Notre Dame, majoring in Global Affairs and math. The reason I'm taking Japanese is because I like anime and art, so knowing Japanese would allow me to get the full nuances out of dialogue and cultural references in anime, and I would also be able to follow Japanese drawing courses.

Besides Japanese, I started self-studying Korean in eighth grade, though Korean skills still have ways to go. One day, I hope to speak Korean, Japanese, and Chinese!

It's nice to meet you, and good luck with your project!

