Daily Japanese Conversation Exercise Video


In this video, Naoko, the woman who runs the channel, teaches you possible responses for five questions: 
1. 「今日は、何をしましたか。」
2. 「なになには、どうでしたか」
3. 「今日は、お昼と夜、何を食べましたか」
4. 「明日は何をする予定ですか」
5. 「週末は何をする予定ですか」
She then gave a sample dialogue using those questions.

This video was perfect for my level; I understood the gist of what she was talking about and I learned new sentence structures. Another cool thing about this was that there were only Japanese subtitles, no English translations, so it was like たどく class where we try to understand the meaning from context instead of using dictionaries. I've been getting a lot better at using context clues for word meaning and resisting the urge to look everything up!

Here are a few phrases/words I learned:

おつかれさまでした = You did well/Thank you for your hard work
Example: テストおつかれさまでした

〜とか 〜とか = kind of like 〜や with a non-exhaustive list, 〜とか means that the noun is included and suggests that other things not explicitly listed are also included

そのあとに = after that

今日、仕事をしていました = I worked (and came back)

____は、何をする予定ですか = What do you plan to do for ____?


  1. XとかYとか、はとてもべんり(useful)ですよ。つかってください!


