
The anime Zom100 is the story of a recent college graduate named Akira Tendo who works an exploitative company. An abusive overseer, immoral boss, and colleagues who force each other to work for days straight make Akira's life lifeless. A clever cinematic trick the anime uses to convey Akira's state is to not use color; when his hopelessness comes to a head, all the colors from his life and the art are gone. (He also rocks eyeballs like Shigaraki, if you've seen My Hero Academia). But when he comes home and visits someone in the apartment, a zombies launches at him, and his world gains color again because the apocalypse means he doesn't have to return to work. 

I really like this show because its main theme is about living life even when you work; to remember that the sun is always shining even when you're holed up in the office or the library grinding out work.

Japanese language-wise, I learned a bit about possible toxic corporate culture and overwork in Japan. The 「ブラックってやつだ’」 was translated as "(This must be) one of those exploitative companies". Another word for it is 「ブラック企業」 (ブラックきぎょ). The literal translation is "black company", and it refers to the types of companies the work their employees to the bone like Akira's. Luckily, the zombie's have freed him from the office, and as he gains distance from the company, he realizes how terrible it was and that he can enjoy life.

